A business rooted in family.

Jeffrey & Karen Betts officially registered Gaean Allusions as a business in January, 1989.

Our slogan/mission statement:

Earth-oriented Art, Fine & Functional.

In the summer of ‘89, using a wheel from Grandma Marie Betts, set up under vine maples in father Ken Betts’ back yard, we made enough “Mt. St. Helens” themed mugs to fund the building of our geodesic dome. By August, Jeff had completed the structure of his own design, using 2”x4” end pieces from a local mill and reclaimed piers from an old wooden bridge that once spanned the south fork of the Newaukum river. Grandpa George Betts contributed a load of cedar shakes to sheath the dome. Sadly, George passed soon thereafter. We were able to use a modest inheritance from him to purchase a new pottery wheel, and an old VW bus to travel to events in.

in 1991, we became merchants the SCA , an international Medieval reenactment society, and began using the monikers “Godfrey the Potter” and “Alwynd the Artist” In December of that year, our fifth daughter was born.


Continuing the legacy.

In 2015, our youngest daughter, Freya, joined the studio. Growing up, she loved to sit and watch her father at the wheel, throwing and trimming. She would carve and decorate extras and odds and ends with her mother. As a result, Freya combines the skills of both her parents in her own unique style.